Depression Test

Are you experiencing depression?

Many people experience low moments, but for those with clinical depression, these feelings persist and lead to symptoms such as hopelessness, exhaustion, and thoughts of death. While depression can be treated, the first step is recognizing the symptoms. This test could help identify them.

troubled distressed

Если вы чувствуете, что ваша жизнь обрушается, что решать любые задачи - большие и даже самые малые стало в равной степени трудно, практически невыносимо; если вы чувствуете "да, я могу это сделать ... Я могу это сделать ... но зачем ...", вы, скорее всего, в депрессии.

You may have some variation of these symptoms, and the severity of them may differ because there are no two individuals whose depression Test looks and feels the same.

Если вы периодически впадаете в депрессию, вы, вероятно, часто слышите советы как выйти из нее.

Advice you can recognize as well-meaning but oh-so-hurtful nevertheless, because you can’t do it and because depression  Test brings very real pain.

When working with you during your depressive episode, we will concentrate on immediate issues of your life, because they may lead to significant stress levels if not taken care of.

We will also work on understanding the possible causes of your current state and events that preceded it. That is where the prevention work will start, so you don’t have to go back to the same miserable cycle of getting depressed, struggling out of it, and trying to get your life back on track only to once again revert back to depression Test.

Работая с нами вы научитесь контролировать свое состояние и находить правильные решения своих проблем не впадая в депрессию.

You are not alone

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and one of the most prevalent mental health conditions. This serious mood disorder knows no borders and affects people everywhere.

Свяжитесь с нами сегодня, чтобы назначить консультацию и узнать больше о нашем уникальном подходе к оказанию эффективной помощи с учетом Ваших потребностей.

Frequently asked questions

Have more questions? Email us at for further queries.

What are common symptoms of depression?

If you have depression, you may experience:

Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or worthlessness
Persistent feelings of loneliness or sadness
Difficulty concentrating
Loss of interest in enjoyable activities
Lack of energy
Trouble sleeping
Changes in appetite
Restlessness or irritability
Thoughts of death or suicide

How is depression diagnosed?

A healthcare professional will evaluate your depressive symptoms over a 2-week period and review your family’s health history. Blood tests may also be ordered to rule out underlying conditions such as vitamin deficiencies. According to the DSM-5, a diagnosis of depression requires at least five of the main symptoms to be present for over two weeks.

Who can diagnose depression?

A mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or clinical social worker, can diagnose depression. You can also discuss your concerns with a general healthcare professional for an initial diagnosis, who can then refer you to a mental health specialist for further evaluation and treatment.

What is a clinical depression test?

If you’re wondering, “Do I have depression?” a clinical depression test can help clarify the scope and impact of your symptoms. This test includes a scale to rate various depression symptoms. Your total score, combined with a clinical interview, will determine your diagnosis.

What are my treatment options for depression?

When depression symptoms persist for two weeks or longer, seek help from a mental health professional. Treatment options include therapy, medication, or a combination of both. At Talkspace, we make accessing high-quality care easy by connecting you with licensed and experienced providers anywhere, anytime. Find an online therapist or prescriber to begin your journey in treating clinical depression.
