If someone suggested such an evaluation, it means that there is a need to look deeper into the way your child understands school related information. It does not mean that there is something newly wrong with your child, such as he just contracted a catching disease. A learning disability does not appear suddenly and out of nowhere; your child is the same child you loved to the mood and back yesterday. Though you might now have a scary sounding combination of words, “learning disability,” to worry about, your child stays the same; he is safe and not in any kind of immediate danger. The only reason I’ve started out this subsection with an attempt to put you at ease is because I often see frantic parents in my office who feel very upset and stressed out by a suggestion of the teacher that their child should get an evaluation for a learning disability (LD). An LD means that the child may have one or more areas in his academic functioning that are not up to par with the rest of his academic or cognitive functioning. You may have a smart child who is struggling with reading for no apparent reason, or a child who excels in other academic areas but avoids math at all possible costs.
Quite frequently, the school may offer psychological and academic evaluation that can be done on school premises. Sometimes, it is the most logical and cost-effective way to start out the process of learning about your child’s academic difficulties. However, occasionally the parents may feel wary of putting the child through the testing that is arranged by the school/board of education. Private testing, or an ‘independent psychological evaluation’ conducted by a highly qualified professional, frequently provides parents with more of a sense of control and understanding of the child and the academic situation surrounding the child. Not only do we provide such evaluations at TEMA, but we will also work closely with the teachers and attend the Child Study Team meeting. Child Study Team is a team of educators that is responsible for creating an individualized educational plan (IEP) for a child who exhibits academic or social difficulties. A psychologist from TEMA who tested your child will attend such meetings in order to advocate for the most appropriate services for your child.
Независимо от того, выберете ли вы одного из наших психологов для оценки своего ребенка или нет, мы хотели бы предложить вам краткий, но исчерпывающий список того, на что следует обратить внимание при выборе психолога, который будет проводить независимую психолого-педагогическую оценку вашего ребенка. В скобках будет приведена информация об одном из наших оценивающих психологов, чтобы помочь организовать поиск и сравнение с другими поставщиками аналогичных услуг.
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